Experience is Everything

Designer, Producer, Project Manager, Marketer, Analyst... Leader. Over 20 years of combined professional business, technology and marketing experience.

info_outline About

extension Skills


As a producer I take on the responsibility of not just managing a project but overseeing the building of a successful product. Working in the trenches with the coders, building product requirement specifications with the project managers and working with the marketing guys to plan out successful product deployments. It's my job to see both the trees and the forest.


Elegant, fluid and accessible. As a designer my job is not just to make things look pretty but to build an experience that the user will love. In today’s world products can rise and fall based on the how an app looks, how it works and the experience the user has while interacting with it. It’s my job to fuse beauty, usability and performance to create amazing experiences.

Project Manager

Almost all successful products start and end with the heroes on the front line, the product managers. As a PM it’s my job to drive my projects from a good idea to an amazing product. Managing all aspects from development time lines, engineering resources, customer/client communications, deployment, marketing coordination and beyond. It’s my job to keep the train running, on schedule and as efficient as possible.


Lining up customers and driving sales is the heart of every successful business. As a marketing department manager it’s my job to seek out where customers are looking, drive them to visit and keep them interested long enough to make a sale. Social media, SEO, ROI Analytics, Pay-Per-Click, Demand Generation, Brand awareness, Inbound/Outbound Strategy, Email Campaigns… These are the tools of the trade. It’s my job to turn on the spot light and make good products attractive and profitable.


Do users like our product? Where is my product falling short? Do our marketing campaigns produce? These are the questions that I can answer as a business analysis. Turning a good product into an amazing product requires a deep understanding of who is using the product, how they use the product and what people want out of the product. It’s my job to make sense of all of the statistics and provide meaningful suggestions to improve every aspect of a product.

Multi-hat Professional

Developer in the morning, product manager by noon and marketing specialist by sun down. Fast moving business needs fast moving, multi-talented employees that can see a product from every angle and switch tasks at a moment’s notice without missing a beat. Being a multi-hat professional is the fundamental driving point of my business experience. Even when not performing multiple roles within an organization or project, this background has given me a very unique ability to see things from all perspectives resulting in better and more effective results from all of my work.

assignment Resume

Designer / Product Engineering Specialist

Zco Corporation
April 2012 – Present

Primary Responsibilities:

Enterprise & Consumer Mobile Application Designer (UI/UX)
Pre/Post-Sale Technical Asset & Customer Support Manager
Product Specification and Documentation Author and Maintainer
Product to Customer Implementation & Deployment Coordinator
Product Support Documentation Manager
CAD / RMS / Database to Product Translation Mapping


PublicEye - Enterprise Mobile Application designed for Public Safety (Police, Fire & EMS) Services.
COPA (Community On Patrol App) - Community supported public safety mobile application developed for the Miami-Dade county and Miami-Dade Police Department. Will be publicly available for iOS and Android later this year.

Online Marketing Specialist

eCoast Marketing
April 2011 – June 2012
After moving to the East Coast (USA) for a change of scenery, I returned to my roots of online marketing taking a job at one of the worlds largest B2B Channel Partner marketing specialists eCoast Marketing. Joining the online marketing division as a specialist in managing online campaigns for many of the companies high profile customers. In addition to traditional online campaigns I worked to advance the companies email marketing campaigns and even participated in the companies initiative to expand into cloud based solutions.

Primary Responsibilities:

Online B2B Marketing Campaign Design
Rich HTML Email Marketing Design
Online Website and Campaign Analytics
PHP Development
Blog IT Support
Writer on companies Cloud focused blog

Founder & Manager

JAG Media Network - JustAGamer
2007 – 2012
After over a year of being away from the MMORPG and PC gaming community I started up a new project to build a new online community and network of sites with a goal of producing high quality original content designed around leveraging new modern outlets such as social media and YouTube while still including traditional blogs and forums. Together with a small team of volunteer writers, editors and community monitors the JAG Network maintained an active community of more than 8,000 registered members as well as hosted a YouTube channel and other social media outlets with more 10,000 followers.

Primary Responsibilities:

Managed online community and portal of over 10 network websites and services
Developed a low cost marketing strategy that netted more than 8,000 registered members, over 10,000 YouTube and other social network followers, and provided a larger monthly organic traffic source
Lead developer for networks CMS and website projects

Co-Founder, Chief Creative Officer

2006 – 2011
Co-founded a new online business designed to help people start online stores quickly without past experience in web development, online marketing or online sales. Product was future focused on new technologies that allowed drag and drop web design and provided a re-seller market place where customers could quickly pick from a huge catalog of products to sell.

Primary Responsibilities:

Lead designer of products UI and User Experience
Responsible for maintaining the products overall vision and insuring that development and marketing efforts reflected the overall vision for the product
Maintained product documentation and specifications
Worked with business development teams to expand product reach

Producer / Designer

OGaming/ZAM Network
2004 – 2006
Originally being involved with the OGaming MMORPG News and Community network as a volunteer forum moderator and later a community manager for several of the networks portal sites before joining the company in 2004. Hired as the companies news room manager in charge of working with community managers across the companies network of over 20+ MMORPG focuses news/community portals. I quickly became one of the companies lead designers and later a producer involved with several of the companies high profile products and projects including Thottbot, Wowhead and Allakhazam.

Primary Responsibilities:

UI/UX Product Designer
Designed, wrote and maintained product specification documents
Worked as communications liaison between development, marketing and management teams
Technical support to marketing and management teams
News Room Manager for companies network of over 20+ MMORPG focused news and community websites
Community manager for multiple of the companies sites
Co-host on MMO focused online radio show feature on the OGaming Radio

Online Marketing Manager

TWAcomm.Com, Inc.
1999 – 2004
Started working for TWAcomm.com during my first year of High School as a product data entry specialist. During my first few years working with the company I was asked to research what was then still a very new and uncharted method of online marketing known as Price-Per-Click (PPC) advertisements through a then small company known as Google. I quickly became an expect on Google Adwords and Overture (MSN/Yahoo ads) and after early success with greatly improving the companies marketing ROI I was promoted to Online Marketing Manager. During my time as the Online Marketing Manager at TWAcomm.com I become a prominent name in the growing community of online marketing specialists involved with developing the first SEO strategies in a time before Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was a thing. Worked closely with both Google and Overture to help improve their services as one of their premier customers at the time.

Primary Responsibilities:

Lead online marketing strategist for the companies 12+ online stores
Managed a marketing budget of over $200k per year with a 500%+ ROI per year
SEO strategist, managing and tracking SEO strategy and success across multiple web stores
Maintained PPC & PPV advertisement campaign's
Google AdWords, Overture, Microsoft Ad Network and Yahoo Ads specialist
Google Analytics manager and expert
Designed customer focused on site advertisements
Designed several of the companies network sites and logos
Managed product information page team
Product data entry

Web & Graphic Designer, IT Consultant and Tutor

1998 – 2004
Founded as a small family run technology based start up, NeubiNet was my first experience in professional IT Services and Web Design. Primarily focused IT consulting services, NeubiNet provided a wide range of professional software & web development, graphic design, IT management, custom PC building and personal tutoring.

Primary Responsibilities:

Personal and Business Website Design and Hosting
Flash Websites and Application Design
Basic and Advanced PC Tutoring including OS Operations, MS Office, Photo Editing and more
Custom PC building and repair

work Portfolio

PublicEye - Tablet UI
PublicEye - Phone UI
COPA (Community on Patrol App)
Other Web/Email Projects